Sorry Emma
Denise has written a couple of times that Emma and I share many traits. One of these became evident while we were watching football recently and a commercial for the Baconator was broadcast.

The Baconator: Two quarter-pound slabs of beef, two slices of processed American cheese-like product, and six -- SIX -- slices of bacon dressed with mayonnaise and ketchup.
Emma is a good sports viewer -- she knows to sit quietly. Her silence became almost reverence until the commercial ended. Then she turned to me and said, "Dad, I think I'm going to try one of those Baconators. I really like bacon."
It's true -- animals are delicious.
Tomorrow? Lunch. I want to video tape her trying to get her very small mouth on one of those nasty things.
Emphasis on the nasty. Animals may be delicious, but what happens to that animal from pasture to Wendy's is not tasty.
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