A Shopping Dilemma
We have a problem with squirrels, raccoons, and rabbits in our backyard. After working most Saturdays and a number of weeknights all spring and summer taking out trees, removing bushes, leveling the soil, and improving the lawn it was more than a little frustrating to find that animals are digging up the grass. Apparently grubs (which have been a whole other source of headache) are good eating this time of year.
We've tried traps without success and have looked into poisons. So far no acceptable solution has emerged. We've finally decided that we'll need to enlist the help of an air-powered pellet rifle in our backyard rodent battle. I'll be going shopping for one soon, which leads to a question: should I take my older girls with me?
I'm very opposed to raising prissy girls who think hamburgers are grown in special McDonald's saturated fat laboratories and want them to understand that guns can be a useful tool. At the same time, because they are young I'm not sure the image of their father as a squirrel assassin will do much to help them become well adjusted people.
All of the safety and practical concerns aside, my real fear of having the girls accompany me is that I'll end up coming home with something like this:

If the police came to check on why someone was using a fully functioning AK-47 in their backyard, I'm willing to bet that the gun itself would be less problematic for me at trial than the oh so manly crocheted stock cozy.
I'm laughing but I'm also scared. Why were you shopping on a site called boingboing.com? Honey, really...we've enough boingboing at our house, truly.
boingboing is not for shopping. at least not for firearms.
yes dear...exactly my point
If you want to avoid the prissy factor, take them on a tour of a meat factory. That should make them vegetarians for sure. As for taking the girls shopping, nah.
Hey don't laugh - Now that we live in Idaho that gun is on my girls lists from Santa!
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