I Found The Source...
Too soon? I'm never a good judge of when enough time has passed to make tragedy into acceptable comedy.
At least it amused me, so that's nice.
I love animals. They are delicious.
Too soon? I'm never a good judge of when enough time has passed to make tragedy into acceptable comedy.
At least it amused me, so that's nice.
For most of these hypotheticals, there is no right or wrong answer. Obviously you have to fight the zombies because they just keep coming. But for the rest, these are really exercises in critical thinking, event-driven analysis, and justification for why my homework was illegible.
Thankfully, a new shirt addresses the last situation. I'm ordering two dozen so I will always have a clean one available. You just never know...
We kept asking ourselves what kind of person would find "Wall Street English" an attractive learning method. Who exactly seeks new vulgarities and monosyllabic insults as the cornerstone of a language program? Do phrases like "offer two fifty last sale" and "earnings before interest, depreciation, and taxes" have broad applicability in the real world? Who approved such a silly campaign and which suckers were falling for it?
Answer: Enough people to justify a $145 million all-cash business transaction.