Friday, May 01, 2009

Watch Out Cincinnati

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled porcine influenza coverage, I wanted to ensure that you are fully aware of a new group of superheros. Not so much because they may be able to protect your family or assist in your personal crime fighting attempts, but because they look at least as likely to require aid as to provide it.

The Shadow Hare and his Allegiance of Heros have the costumes, silly names, and apparent good intent required to be proper underwear perverts. All they lack is the physical ability, any semblence of training or organization, resources, support of law enforcement, and a handful of other minor details. Bonus points for what appears to be a lovely silk screened uniform top featuring a mammal of some kind though.

Daily Mail has the most amusing write-up, but a little time on the interwebz will provide plenty of additional information in support of the London tabloid.

I may have to spend some time this afternoon considering what my own superhero name would be now that the problem of traveling back in time has been solved...

More Swine Flu News

An important H1N1 test is available here. You owe it to your loved ones -- get tested today.