Friday, June 05, 2009

See, Here's What Happens When I Have Time to Bring the Geekiness

Open another instance of your favorite interwebz browser (or a tab for you open sourcers).
Go to
In the search box type "I a" without quotes.

Isn't the first search suggested by Google extremely diverting?

It used to be that you had to type "I am extremely" to get that result. There was a dark day many moons ago when it took even more words.

Isn't progress wonderful? And why is my initial question written in the tone of a 19th century British noblewoman?

See if you can find the original article that created this little internet phenomenon. Warning: you'll get a laugh (I hope), but you'll be stupider after reading it.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Do Not Disturb

It’s been a month since I updated you loyal three readers. This has caused the Mrs. on several occasions to call for new posts. Aiming to please, I’ve tried a couple of times to write but found myself unable to do so.

Delicious Animals is fueled by sarcasm, indignation, and geekiness. I’ve had somewhat less time than normal for the last of these and the first two have been largely absent from my life in recent weeks. In their place has come calm and something like joy. Mortality ebbs and flows, so I’m grateful that my circumstances are currently so positive in virtually every aspect. Will the house sell? Maybe; not worried about it. Will we move? Someday; not a concern right now. Will I earn enough this year for us to survive? Probably; we’ll be fine either way. More importantly the family is great, I’m comfortable in my discipleship, and the number of good things in my life is so ridiculously large it’s a little embarrassing.

I’ll be back another day to provide amusement like the good little monkey I am. For now though, I’m content. On balance I quite prefer that to attempts at self aggrandizing humor.