Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On Stability

Madame Delicious and I have recently been discussing potential changes that would significantly impact our family. While it's too early (at least for me) to know what will happen, uncertainty is nonetheless unsettling. We both value control. A small glimmer of light on the path is better than total darkness.

Last night we were discussing the same topic that has occupied 80% of our March conversations. As I was drifting off to sleep, Denise commented on the virtues of stability in some aspects of life (family, employment, good Italian food, etc). Though I was too groggy to verbalize it, the following analogy occurred to me:

During a storm at sea, some people may take comfort from lashing themselves to the mast. This will dramatically lower their risk of going overboard and likely provides a measure of short-term security.

Unfortunately, being bound to the ship is much less appealing if the vessel sinks.


I think I know what this means to me, but your insight (including pointing out that I don't even sail and would be better served to spend more time sleeping than making up analogies of questionable value) is welcome.


Blogger Bubba the Hutt said...

Your analogy triggered a demotivational poster I saw once. Fear.

I'm more of a fan of stability and structure. I left the more lucrative self employment life for a job that I can rely on.

March 18, 2009  
Blogger Denise said...

1. Good thing you married well.

2. When all else fails, your wife loves you.

3. There's always eBay.

March 18, 2009  
Blogger Mo said...

So you guys sleep lashed to each other? weird.

March 20, 2009  

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