Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Medical Proof

Here's support for my repeated claims to Madame Delicious that I don't notice when something around the house needs to be tidied. I want to help, I just don't see the mess.

You can't argue with that; it's science.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I woke up yesterday craving these. Instead I got seven hours of church and a peanut butter sandwich crammed into my maw between meetings.

To be fair, it was a great Sunday and I'm very appreciative of a wife who brings me food of any kind. Alls I'm sayin' is that oatmeal buttermilk pancakes would have made it better.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Darwin Award Nominee

For some reason I can't find a link to any publicly available version of this Bloomberg story, so you'll have to trust that it's genuine.

Lenin Statue Kills Drunk Belarusian
2009-08-11 12:00:59.590 GMT By Paul Abelsky

Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) -- A drunk Belarusian man died when a five-meter (16-foot) statue of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin broke while he was swinging on its arm.

The man, 21, died on the way to the hospital after injuring his head during the fall and subsequent toppling of the statue on top of him, the Belarusian state news service Belta said on its Web site today.

The statue was erected in 1939 in the town of Uvarovichi, near Belarus’s borders with Russia and Ukraine. A Russian man died after a similar accident in 2003, Russian state broadcaster Vesti said.

How great is it that Vesti has stats on the last time this happened? That says a lot to me about Russian expectations for this sort of behavior. Makes these guys look like amateurs.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Is Our Students Learning?

Apparently not.

Monroe College has a campus near the building where our ward meets. I've known a couple of the college's students through the years that we've lived in New York, but they fit my perception of what students at Monroe are like about as much as any Mormon kid fits on a campus outside of Utah or Idaho. I've been curious about what happens to New York young adults educated at places like Monroe. Now I know....