More Important News from Japan
This makes me much more concerned about the 'potato bugs' I find under every large rock in our yard:
In fewer than 50 years, a small Japanese island has almost disappeared as you can see in the pictures below. While I'm sure someone somewhere will find a way to blame global warming, the proximate cause is bugs.

Hoboro Island, between 1955 and 1965.

Hoboro Island, today.
How can small isopods destroy an island in half a century? By digging holes in the rock to lay eggs. Once again children are to blame for destroying everything.
Let me just shock you by making not one, but two comments about this.
1. I am slightly grossed out but also slightly amazed at the photographer who took the bug picture in the article. Whoa...that many bugs sinking an island...yeah, you couldn't get me over there for a photo.
2. While I agree that kids are destructive (as we have all too much proof) kids do not = bugs. They are not the same species. Maybe you should not have slept through biology banker man. I now understand better your near frantic shock at each pregnancy.
now that was funny.
Do mine eyes deceive me, or did the bugs destroy the mountains behind the island as well? Perhaps there is some photographic trickery here - or at least some distance issues.
I'm on board with Daniel. Bugs, kids - I'm not seeing the big difference here. Didn't you see The Fly? And please don't pull that rated 'R' thing. It's been on TV a gazillion times.
excellent points all deb.... someone needs to travel to bug island and sort this out. maybe take jeff goldblum for good measure.
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